Click on the subjects below for informative planing Tips
These tips are from reputable plant suppliers and growers. We hope you find them helpful.
General Planting Guide for this Area - Clay Soil
Here is our useful Planting Guide for this area, particularly in Red Clay Soil. And please do not amend the soil with topsoil, soil conditioner and other soil types. It tends to create a "bathtub" or bowl effect and will drown the plant. Using Pine Bark Mini Nuggets mixed with the soil will help to aerate it and to avoid drowning.
Proven Winner(r) Shrub Planting Guide
Here is another Guide from Proven Winners(r) experts. They reconfirm what is said in a number of Guides pertaining to NOT amending plantings with other soils. We know it is very tempting when you have red clay soil, but we and they recommend that you just don't do it.
NC Blueberry Planting Guide and Tips
Blueberry Bushes like a soil PH of 5.5 or below. They like a rich, loamy soil. They do NOT like to be planted totally in Red Clay. We recommend planting them 1/3 in the ground and 2/3 out in a Mound of rich, sandy well drained loam and soil. Click on the button below for the NCSU Extension Service Franklin County Guide for Blueberries.
Should you Amend your soil when planting - NO!
Most all professional growers and nursery professionals recommend that you NOT amend the soil when planting your plants. Do not add topsoil, manure, or other amendments as it will create a "bathtub" effect and may drown the plant. ONLY use some Pine Bark Mini Nuggets mixed in the soil when planting.